Optimize Your Online Copy – Exponentially!

All you need is a proven formula that works and you can optimize your online copy to the nth degree. If you follow the ten steps outlined here, your online copy will take on a new and bodacious meaning with resonating results.

Step One

Your headline is the first thing your reader sees. Put some starch in it.
Speak to your Audience.
Establish one, dominant Emotion.
Grab their Interest with conversation they want to hear.
Ditch the techno-speak and go for Clarity.
Tell them the Intention for what to do or expect.
Activate Momentum to your sub head for answers or solutions.

Step Two

Your subhead must support or answer your headline.
The Connection to your headline goes here.
It should Qualify and narrow your audience.
Intensify and amplify the dominant emotion in your headline.
It should Push the reader in to find the answer or solution.

Step Three

Your value proposition is the differentiator that drives demand for your product/service.
It should be Unmistakable from the start.
At least one key benefit should make it powerfully Desirable.
It must be Unique and markedly different from the competition.
Make sure it’s Targeted to your audience.
Keep it Simple, concise and to the point.
At least one piece of Quantified data is a must.

Step Four
Keep up and Build on the momentum from your headline
Your first sentence must Flow and be easy to read.
The Body copy should gradually intensify the dominant emotion.

Step Five

Subheads should be spaced no more than every three to six paragraphs.
They should be easy on the eye for Scanning.
Highlight the major and minor Benefits.

Step Six

The conclusion should end with the same emotion as the start.
Make the offering Realistic and Doable.

Step Seven

The call to action must prompt the reader to Act.
Make your CTA Visible with a button that is Actionable.

Step Eight

The voice of your content should be conversational.
Use the word You to speak directly to your audience.
Use Straightforward words which sound compelling when spoken aloud.

Step Nine

Your copy should provide credible data while also telling a good story.
Be sure to use Sensory language and Vivid verbs.
Your audience should be the Hero of your story.

Step Ten

Be sure you’ve used all your tools of persuasion.
The Free Value of your offering must be obvious.
Your invitation to a smaller Commitment aligns with the bigger one.
Social Likability must be established with your audience through language and humor.
If appropriate, encourage your reader to want what may appear Scarce.