According to trending thoughts on the subject, getting verified on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. is a giant step in the direction of company brand growth. But, is that elusive little blue check mark really worth the effort? A lot of people seem to think so.
Generally speaking, the more credible any of your social identities can appear, the better your brand will be perceived. So for Facebook, we’ve detailed the process for Facebook verification.
What used to be reserved for the categories of Public Figure, Actor, Athlete or Musician – getting Facebook verified – are now available to businesses.
For starters, here’s what you’ll need to get started toward becoming verified:
- An existing public page under your business name (you can’t use your personal page).
- A history of native content posted to your page.
- Complete your information about your company including website, phone, etc.
- Click on ‘settings’ from your page.
- Under ‘general’ click on edit and click to verify your page.
- Put the phone number associated with your account.
- Click ‘Call me now’
- Then you will be verified.
The trickiest part of this process is actually the coordination on your end with the person who answers the main phone number. Depending on the size of your company this can be tougher then you might think! See for yourself if that little blue check mark can make a difference for your brand.
Proponents of verifying on Facebook say it builds credibility behind your name and motivates you to create a higher level of quality content. Credibility builds momentum and can open otherwise closed doors to new interests, business and opportunities. Facebook states that ‘Verified Pages show up higher in search results’.